ohio Private Jets & Charter Flights

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Ohio Airports for Private Flights

CityStateFAA CodeIATA CodeICAO CodeAirport Name
CincinnatiOHCVGCVGKCVGCincinnati Northern Kentucky International
AkronOHAKRAKCKAKRAkron Fulton International
AkronOHCAKCAKKCAKAkron/Canton Regional
AshtabulaOHHZYJFNKHZYNortheast Ohio Regional
Athens/AlbanyOHUNIATOKUNIGordon K Bush Ohio University
ChesapeakeOHHTWHTWKHTWLawrence County Airpark
CincinnatiOHLUKLUKKLUKCincinnati Municipal Lunken
ClevelandOHBKLBKLKBKLBurke Lakefront
ClevelandOHCLECLEKCLECleveland/Hopkins International
ClevelandOHCGFCGFKCGFCuyahoga County
ColumbusOHCMHCMHKCMHJohn Glenn International
ColumbusOHLCKLCKKLCKRickenbacker International
ColumbusOHOSUOSUKOSUOhio State University
DaytonOHFFOFFOKFFOWright Patterson AFB
DaytonOHDAYDAYKDAYDayton International James M Cox
DaytonOHMGYMGYKMGYDayton-Wright Brothers
DefianceOHDFIDFIKDFIDefiance Memorial
GalionOHGQQGQQKGQQGalion Municipal
HamiltonOHHAOHAOKHAOButler County Regional-Hogan Field
LimaOHAOHAOHKAOHLima Allen County
MansfieldOHMFDMFDKMFDMansfield Lahm Regional
MarionOHMNNMNNKMNNMarion Municipal
MiddletownOHMWOMWOKMWOMiddletown Regional - Hook Field
New PhiladelphiaOHPHDPHDKPHDHarry Clever Field
OxfordOHOXDOXDKOXDMiami University
PortsmouthOHPMHPMHKPMHGreater Portsmouth Regional
SanduskyOHSKYSKYKSKYGriffing Sandusky
SpringfieldOHSGHSGHKSGHSpringfield/Beckley Municipal
ToledoOHTDZTDZKTDZToledo Executive
ToledoOHTOLTOLKTOLToledo Express
WapakonetaOHAXVAXVKAXVAuglaize County Neil Armstrong
WilloughbyOHLNNLNNKLNNWilloughby Lost Nation Municipal
WilmingtonOHILNILNKILNWilmington Airpark
WoosterOHBJJBJJKBJJWayne County
YoungstownOHYNGYNGKYNGYoungstown/Warren Regional
ZanesvilleOHZZVZZVKZZVZanesville Municipal

Things to See in Ohio

Airport Golf Course

Oil Mill Hollow

Orchard Island

Table Rock Golf Course

Heron Lakes Golf Club

Brundage Island

Squawroot Nature Trail

Journal Island

Columbus Museum Of Art

The Golf Club

Wyandot Golf Course

Raymond Memorial Golf Course

Cinccinnati Art Museum

Bolton Field Golf Course

Walhalla Hollow

Ohio Railway Museum

Piper Stadium

Pine Hill Golf Course

Sassafras Horse Trail

Millcreek Golf Course

Wee Bonnie Golf Course

Glen Echo Hollow

Gibson Island

Columbus Crew Stadium

Flagstone Golf Course

Fox Fire Golf Course

Beulah Park Racecourse

Groveport Golf Course

Five Oaks Trail

Estate Golf Club

Bernlohr Stadium

Gahanna Municipal Golf Course

Harbor Hills

Burse Hollow

Liebs Island

Worthington Historical Society Museum

Blues Creek Golf Course

Circle Island

Hawthorn Loop Trail

Welsh Hills

Homestead Springs Golf Course

Blacklick Woods Golf Course

Little Turtle Golf Course

Scioto Golf Course

Big Walnut Golf Course

Minerva Lake Golf Club

Bope Island

Sugar Maple Hiking Trail

Crane Island

Timberview Golf Club

Hargus Lake Trail

Selby Stadium

Heritage Museum Of Kappa Kappa Gamma

Sharon Valley

Kelton House Museum

Cooper Stadium

Muirfield Golf Course

Turnberry Golf Course

Wilson Road Golf Course

Central Ohio Fire Museum

Walnut Hill Golf Club

Watkins Island

Upper Lansdowne Golf Course

Ridenour Island

Archie Griffin Stadium

Kerr-Harrington House Museum

Charleston Island

Ohio Stadium